Thursday, June 30, 2011

Great Snakes!

Today's Guest on "Why Religions Anger Me" is the Hindu practice of Nag Panchami. Snake worship is what it is supposed to be, snake torture is what it is.

So what exactly are some things that take place during this worship of snakes? well, lets see. Snakes are often starved before hand, have their fangs removed, have their mouths sewn shut, and are force fed milk (snakes and milk don't mix, it can lead to the snakes experiencing digestive troubles and often dying). And I always thought worship was meant to be a horrifying experience for the worshiper.

But yes, this is essentially what happens to these magnificent creatures on the day that they are supposed to be honored. You know.. snakes are awesome, yes, it would be awesome to have a day in their honor, where people get to learn about them, have myths about them debunked, maybe help save those that are in danger of extinction. However, forcing them through some crazy religious ritual is not awesome. It's down right inhumane, not that it bothers the religiously pious.

This I wish to have brought up in light of the recent ban on slaughtering conscious animals. This of course received a negative reaction from the Jewish and Muslim communities as it makes it impossible to have their Kosher or Halal meat, some even commenting that it was terrible that animal rights were being put before human rights... Well hate to... actually no, I love to say it. Your right to practice your religious whims ends where it brings needless harm to others, be they animals or conceited self-righteous apes (also animals).