So an interesting thought occurred to me. Given that we live in a age where some people consider alternate medicine to actually work (granted it can have a placebo effect, but that proves that placebo works not the actual alternate medicine) I mean, if it actually worked, then it would be medicine.
Anyway back to the business of homeopathy.
These homeopaths claim that even though the water they sell has no amount of the active ingredient in it, it takes on the properties of whatever the ingredient was in the water to begin with, and since water it all magic and stuff, even after that ingredient is gone it still somehow remembers it. So can you even imagine how much nasty stuff has been in water over just the past few million years. Think of all the fecal matter, and carcasses, not to mention all the doings of marine life, coupled with pollution and chemicals and what not. So the water you drink supposedly can remember and holds the properties of all this nasty junk.
Think about that the next time you consider listening to a homeopath. (Also think about how there is no scientific proof in favor of the mumbo jumbo "medicines")
On a side note, I just had an awesome idea for a business.
I could sell flavored water, that had "medicinal properties" and my products tagline would be. "Like Homeopathy: but with better taste!"
Not only would it be full of shit, it would also be full of pretty much every medicine they try to sell you.