Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rat Brain Robot


So yeah, for those of you that don't know this is a thing worth checking out.
It's a robot that is controlled by rat neurons. All in all, this is a cyborg. You know that fantasy of having immortal bodies with keeping nothing but our brains. well that's one step closer now.

Of course this brings in moral issues, and we should discuss, where these new cyborgs fall into in the spectrum of ethical treatment and such. and I think that it will be really cool to see where all this go.

It's truly remarkable how far we humans have gotten thanks to science in the past few hundred years. Imagine how far we would be if even more people were influenced to take up science, I'm of course talking about all those children out there that are taught science incorrectly, if they are taught it at all. but yes. I'll leave it at that for now.. science is cool.

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